// Simple SOLA algorithm example. The example reads a .wav sound
// file with mono-16bit-44100Hz sample format, process it with SOLA
// and writes output into another .wav file.
// Copyright (c) Olli Parviainen 2006 <oparviai@iki.fi>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "wavfile.h"
using namespace std;
// Time scaling factor, values > 1.0 increase, values < 1.0 decrease tempo
#define TIME_SCALE 1 // 15% slower tempo
// Processing sequence size (100 msec with 44100Hz samplerate)
#define SEQUENCE 800//4410
// Overlapping size (20 msec)
#define OVERLAP 160//882
// Best overlap offset seeking window (15 msec)
#define SEEK_WINDOW 120//662
// Processing sequence flat mid-section duration
// Theoretical interval between the processing seqeuences
typedef short SAMPLE; // sample type, 16bit signed integer
// Use cross-correlation function to find best overlapping offset
// where input_prev and input_new match best with each other
int seek_best_overlap(const SAMPLE *input_prev, const SAMPLE *input_new)
int i;
int bestoffset = 0;
float bestcorr = -1e30f;
float temp[OVERLAP];
// Precalculate overlapping slopes with input_prev
for (i = 0; i < OVERLAP; i ++)
temp[i] = (float)(input_prev[i] * i * (OVERLAP - i));
// Find best overlap offset within [0..SEEK_WINDOW]
for (i = 0; i < SEEK_WINDOW; i ++)
int j;
float crosscorr = 0;
for (j = 0; j < OVERLAP; j ++)
crosscorr += (float)input_new[i + j] * temp[j];
if (crosscorr > bestcorr)
// found new best offset candidate
bestcorr = crosscorr;
bestoffset = i;
return bestoffset;
// Overlap 'input_prev' with 'input_new' by sliding the amplitudes during
// OVERLAP samples. Store result to 'output'.
void overlap(SAMPLE *output, const SAMPLE *input_prev, const SAMPLE *input_new)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < OVERLAP; i ++)
output[i] = (input_prev[i] * (OVERLAP - i) + input_new[i] * i) / OVERLAP;
// SOLA algorithm. Performs time scaling for sample data given in 'input',
// write result to 'output'. Return number of output samples.
int sola(SAMPLE *output, const SAMPLE *input, int num_in_samples)
int num_out_samples = 0;
const SAMPLE *seq_offset = input;
const SAMPLE *prev_offset;
int nTest = SEQUENCE_SKIP;
while (num_in_samples > SEQUENCE_SKIP + SEEK_WINDOW)
// copy flat mid-sequence from current processing sequence to output
memcpy(output, seq_offset, FLAT_DURATION * sizeof(SAMPLE));
// calculate a pointer to overlap at end of the processing sequence
prev_offset = seq_offset + FLAT_DURATION;
// update input pointer to theoretical next processing sequence begin
// seek actual best matching offset using cross-correlation
seq_offset = input + seek_best_overlap(prev_offset, input);
// do overlapping between previous & new sequence, copy result to output
overlap(output + FLAT_DURATION, prev_offset, seq_offset);
// Update input & sequence pointers by overlapping amount
seq_offset += OVERLAP;
input += OVERLAP;
// Update output pointer & sample counters
num_out_samples += SEQUENCE - OVERLAP;
num_in_samples -= SEQUENCE_SKIP;
return num_out_samples;
// Buffers for input/output sample data. For sake of simplicity, these are
// just made 'big enough' for the example purpose.
SAMPLE inbuffer[10240000];
SAMPLE outbuffer[20240000];
int main(int numstr, char **pstr)
if (numstr < 3)
printf("usage: solatest input.wav output.wav\n");
return -1;
int insamples, outsamples;
// Open input file
WavInFile infile(pstr[1]);
if ((infile.getSampleRate() != 44100) || (infile.getNumChannels() != 1))
printf("Sorry, this example processes mono audio sampled at 44100Hz.\n");
return -1;
// Read data from input file
insamples = infile.read(inbuffer, 10240000);
// Process
outsamples = sola(outbuffer, inbuffer, insamples);
// Write result to output file
WavOutFile outfile(pstr[2], infile.getSampleRate(), infile.getNumBits(), infile.getNumChannels());
outfile.write(outbuffer, outsamples);
catch (exception &e)
printf("Error: %s\n", e.what());
return 0;
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